These questions were originally devised
by BP Fallon for the members of U2 during their ZOOTV tour of 1993.
Who is the most interesting person you've met so far?
Steve the Nessie hunter who's camped by the side of Loch Ness for 8
years trying to catch a glimpse of the "thing".
Are you happier than a year ago?
Why not?
What was your biggest extravagance last year?
When did you last wash the dishes or vacuumed?
This morning (hey, I do help Mum out contrary to speculation).
If there was an extra 6 hours per day, what would you do with it?
Get a life.
Do you believe in flying saucers?
Have you ever seen one?
Nope, but they're "out there".
If a flying saucer landed, would you climb into it?
Of course! I'm been waiting all my life the meet these guys.
What's your favourite method of transportation?
Postie's van.
Are you a star?
Yes - everyone's got star quality.
What's the most vulgar thing you own?
My 30-video collection of X-Files episodes.
Who is the one person to whom you owe the most to?
My family.
What do you do if you have the blues?
Have some time to myself.
What gives you the blues?
Who or what is your idea of cool?
Someone who is confident, assertive, yet humble.
the most frightening thing that ever happened to you?
Getting sick in a foreign country with no "mum" to take care
of me.
Is Elvis alive or dead?
Have you ever seen him?
He was my high school maths teacher.
Do you ever have dreams?
About what?
Don't remember exactly but the good ones give me warm fuzzies :)
Do you ever have nightmares?
About what?
Don't remember exactly but the bad ones leave me in a cold sweat.
What's your real-lilfe nightmare?
Finding out that the last 23 years were just a dream.
What's your real-life dream?
Living a lifestyle that is fulfilling to myself and benefits other people
around me.
How many hours a week do you spend on the phone?
Not enough when Mum and my brother are on the phone.
Who was the last person you called?
A recruitment agency about a job.
What have you done after your tour (of the World)?
Got back to reality!